Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to our new Nonprofit Publicity website. We will be opening up new training programs soon to help your organization get the free publicity you deserve.

Our next program we will be launching is titled “The 5-Day Challenge: How to get free publicity for your nonprofit”

Here’s how it came about…

Getting $10,000 in free publicity for my local Chamber of Commerce

A few years back I managed to garner a significant amount of free publicity for the Berryville Chamber, likely exceeding $10,000 since I took charge. For organizations like nonprofits or chambers, the ultimate benefit of gaining $10,000 in free advertising is not merely an ego boost from increased visibility. Rather, it translates into tangible outcomes such as improved reputation management and membership growth within the organization. That is the real key to success.

From the work at did at the chamber job, plus the knowledge of free publicity and advertising I had gathered over a long career in advertising, publishing and online marketing — as well as various resources I created along the way like published articles, news release templates, worksheets, and idea checklists — this turned out to be the raw materials I needed for creating an exceptional training course.

I plan to expand its scope to encompass other organizations such as nonprofits and charities; the initial lesson will be “How I Obtained Over $10,000 in Free Publicity… and How You Can Too!”

So, let me ask you: “Does your nonprofit deserve free publicity?” Only when you arrive at “Yes” as the answer to this question will you do whatever you need to do to learn how to do this. And, it’s simple once you know how. We look forward to meeting you at our new 5-Day Challenge! Stay tuned for launch details.

Steve Johnson, NonprofitPublicity.com

Johnson Publishing Services

Email:  johnsonpublishing@outlook.com

Phone:  (479) 644-9057